Welcome to 2019! Like, almost a month ago 😛 Sorry for the radio silence, but I made sure to take the holidays to relax and refresh! Now with this new year, I’m excited to get back to it…but with a few changes!

First, I will not be posting to Instagram every single day. With a full-time job and being a full-time grad student it has become unrealistic. However, I’m hoping the delays between posts will help to make them more worthwhile! I’ll be making sure to take a little extra time to post the content I like the most for you!

On that, is the second thing. Watch for more lifestyle! Up until now I’ve really only been posting fashion and that is exciting but also…expensive. I’m hoping to bring you information about other things I pride myself in, like wines, travel, and other tips. Fashion will still be very prevalent but every once in a while, maybe something a little different!

Finally, I’m going to be using the blog to help talk about life changes like school, work, and maybe a little home buying drama? Who knows!

Thank you for following and I’m excited to bring you more content in 2019!
